The robust wireless network is a highly efficient and reliable solution, thanks to its wide range of frequencies that cover even from 900MHz to even 5GHz. This wide frequency coverage guarantees optimal bandwidth, allowing a constant and uninterrupted flow of information to be maintained. Likewise, it presents reliable communication inside the mine due to its robust transmission and wide bandwidth, providing security in emergencies by quickly communicating accidents or evacuations. Automation, Supervision and control systems are also set up in the network, optimizing productivity rates.

Connectivity services over the LTE 4G/5G network

  • Location of people and equipment.
  • Tablet connectivity and smartphone devices.
  • PTT voice. video call.
  • Power monitoring.
  • Monitoring of any type of sensors: environmental, gas, temperature, air flow.
  • Fan control.
  • Pump control.
  • Distance blasting.
  • Fatigue Detection
  • Equipment telemetry.
  • Equipment teleoperation.
  • Dispatch or production.
  • incident control
  • App connectivity
  • Real time video system
  • augmented reality applications
  • Drones
  • Equipment automation Yucle, Dumper

How is it implemented?

Image 1: LTE architecture (REFERENCE)

Image 2: Scheme in mine (REFERENCE)


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